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Bona Books

Who We Are

Bona Books was founded with the express aim to produce high-quality, subversive, and unapologetically queer books in the science-fiction, fantasy, and horror genres.

‘Bona’ means ‘good’ in Polari, a cant language widely used by queer people in and around London in the late 19th and early 20th Century to communicate without fear of exposure or reprisal, at a time when it was still dangerous to have an alternative gender or sexual identity. 

Our ‘bona’ ambitions don’t stop at producing great reads. Wherever possible, we work with queer creators and queer businesses to pay people what they’re worth and foster success within our community. We aim to amplify queer voices, particularly those who have historically been denied a platform. In regressive political times, advancing the perspectives and experiences of trans and POC writers matters more than ever. 

So we’re all about the good stuff: bona people, bona art, Bona Books.

Chris McCartney

Chris McCartney

is a writer of fantasy and – to his recent surprise – queer horror. He has a decade of experience in both academic publishing and project management, and is an enthusiastic creator of colour-coded spreadsheets. His preferred means of obliteration is being sublimated by righteous queer fury.

Trip Galey

Trip Galey

is a fantasy writer, a doctor of the academic persuasion, and the former head editor of Electric Athenaeum. He is an instructor in creative writing and his own novel A MARKET OF DREAMS AND DESTINY is out this month from Titan Books. His preferred means of obliteration is pounding himself into oblivion within the fey embrace of a sentient supernova.

Robert Berg

Robert Berg

is an editor, copywriter, and proofreader who has worked both with independent clients and various SFF imprints. It is unclear whether he is more Man or more Muppet, but his eye for detail is as dangerously sharp as the edge of Excalibur. His preferred means of obliteration is suffocation in a ball-pit full of puppies.

What’s New

Ebook and print copy of I Want That Twink Obliterated an anthology of queer science fiction and fantasy

What’s Next!?

See us at Glasgow WorldCon!

Team Bona will be at WorldCon in Glasgow 8-12 August! Come by and say ‘hi’ to us at our table in the Dealers’ Room, attend one or more of the many panels we will be on or moderating, or stop by the I Want That Twink OBLITERATED! launch party! (Details on the programme available on-site)

Is There Another Anthology Coming!?

Now that would be telling! Of course, Team Bona has plans but we need to deliver I Want That Twink OBLITERATED! first. There will be an audiobook coming, as well, don’t forget! And some more very fun news on the horizon as well! 

Stay tuned, you beautiful people you!

4 + 15 =

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